Academic Texts  


2016. Bruce-Jones, E. Race in the Shadow of Law: State Violence in Contemporary Europe. Routledge. 

Edited Volumes

2021. Bhatia, Monish and Eddie Bruce-Jones. Race, Mental Health and State Violence: A Special Issue of Race & Class. 62(3) Race & Class

Journal Articles

2024.  Bruce-Jones, E. “Race, Law and Liminality: The Poetry of May Ayim”  69(3) Amerikastudien/ American Studies, 301-312.

2017.  Bruce-Jones, E. "A body does not just combust:  racism and the law in Germany" (short article). 34(2) World Policy Journal, Duke University Press, 31-35.
Abstract | Full text

2015.  Bruce-Jones, E.  "Death Zones and Comfort Zones: Queering the Refugee Question" in 22(1) International Journal of Minority and Group Rights, Brill Nijhoff: Leiden, 101-127.
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2015.  Bruce-Jones, E. “German Policing at the Intersection:  race, gender, migrant status and mental health” in 56(3) Race & Class, Sage: London, 36-49.
Full text | Abstract

2012.  Bruce-Jones, E.  “Germany’s Stephen Lawrence” (Legal Comment) in 54(2) Race & Class, Sage: London, 82–87.
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2009.  Bruce-Jones, E.  "Anthropology as Critical Legal Intervention? Instrumentalization, Co-Construction and Critical Reformulation in the Relationship between Anthropology and International Law," in 14(2) UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs, 331-365.

2008.  Bruce-Jones, E. (with Joy Chia und Marta Kuklo), "Next Step Forward: The Development of Clinical Legal Education in Poland through a Clinical Pilot Program in Białystok," in 2(1) Columbia Journal of East European Law, 56–93.

2008.  Bruce-Jones, E. "Race, Space, and the Nation State: Racial Recognition and the Prospects of Substantive Equality under Anti-Discrimination Law in France and Germany," in 39(2) Columbia Human Rights Law Review, 423– 470.

Book Chapters

2024. Bruce-Jones, E. and Ajamu X. “Fierce Intersections: Portraits of Queer Black Youth in Britain” in Kehinde Andrews, Kimberle Crenshaw and Annabel Wilson (Eds.) Blackness at the Intersection. Bloomsbury, London. 

2023. Bruce-Jones, E. and Aileen McColgan KC. “Race” in Aileen McColgan, Discrimination Law: Texts, Cases and Materials. Hart Publishing, 416–466. 

2021. Bruce-Jones, E. “Deutsche Polizei an der Kreuzung: Intersektionalität von Rasse, Geschlecht, Migrationsstatus und psychischer Gesundheit” in Vanessa Thompson and Mike Laufenberg (Eds.), Sicherheit: Rassismuskritische und feministische Debatten. Verlag Westfälisches Dampfboot, Münster. 

2021. Bruce-Jones, E. "Black Lives and the State of Distraction" in Koshka Duff (Ed). Abolishing the Police. Dog Section Press, London. (First appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books, 2015).
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2021.  Bruce-Jones, E. "Death Zones and Comfort Zones: Queering the Refugee Question" in Senthorun, Raj and Peter Dunne, The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom, Palgrave MacMillan: London. 

2019. Bruce-Jones, E. “Burden sharing in refugee law” in Satvinder Juss, Research Handbook on International Refugee Law. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, 71 - 81.

2018. Bruce-Jones, E.  "Refugee Law in Crisis:  Decolonizing the Architecture of Violence," in Mary Bosworth et. al. (Eds), Race, Criminal Justice and Migration Control. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 176 - 193.

2017. Bruce-Jones, E. 'Archiving Racial Violence: Some reflections from the UK's Institute of Race Relations,' in Juliane Karakayali et. al., (Eds.), Den NSU-Komplex analysieren: Aktuelle Perspektiven aus der Wissenschaft. Transcript Verlag: Bielefeld.

2017. Bruce-Jones, E. 'Policing Race in Europe: Law and Protest' in Adem Soezueer, Ed., 5th International Crime and Punishment Film Festival Academic Papers Collection. Onikilevha, Istanbul, Turkey.

2007.  Bruce-Jones, E. 'Surviving September 11th or Snapshots in the Dark?: A Critical Consideration of Two Professional Photographs as Portraits of Denial', in  Picturing America: Trauma, Realism, Politics and Identity in American Visual Culture. American Studies Conference Series. Peter Lang: Hamburg.

Review Essays

2021. Bruce-Jones, E. Review Essay: “The Queer Demands of Postcoloniality”, Review of Rahul Rao, Out of Time: The Queer Politics of Postcoloniality (OUP). 9(3) Critical Studies in Security, 241-245. 

2020. Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Saidiya Hartman, Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments: Intimate Histories of Social Upheaval (W. W. Norton & Co.). 125 Feminist Review

Book Reviews

2021. Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Cengiz Barskanmaz, Recht und Rassismus: Das menschenrechtliche Verbot der Diskriminierung aufgrund der Rasse [Law and Racism: The Human Rights Prohibition of Racial Discrimination] (Springer). International Journal of Constitutional Law. [online]

2021. Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Liat Ben-Moshe, Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionionalization and Prison Abolition (University of Minnesota Press). Race & Class 62(3). [online | purchase]

2019. Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Avery Gordon, The Hawthorn Archive: Letters from the Utopian Margins (Fordham). Race & Class 61(1). [online]

2017.  Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Karla F. C. Holloway, Legal Fictions: Constituting Race, Composing Literature (Duke).  Law & Literature 29(1).

2016.  Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Nissa Finney and Gemma Catney (eds), Minority Internal Migration in Europe.  Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 30(2), 185-187.

2014.  Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Satvinder Juss and Colin Harvey, Contemporary Issues in Refugee Law.  King’s Law Journal 25(1), Hart Publishing, Oxford, UK, 125–129.

2007.  Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Alex Buchwald, Der Fall Tadic vor dem Internationalen Jugoslawientribunal im Lichte der Entscheidung der Berufungskammer vom 2. Oktober 1995 (2005). Austrian Review of International and European Law, Brill Academic Publishers: Leiden, The Netherlands. [online]

2006.  Bruce-Jones, E. Review of Klaus Dieter Beiter, The Right to Education Under International Law. MenschenRechtsMagazin, Heft 3, MenschenRechtsZentrum: Potsdam, Germany (in German). [onilne]